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CCFC #11 October 22, 2017
CCFC #11 may have been one of the best yet. Ten CCFC members got together and paddled all the way to Little and Big Island. Both of these islands are protected by the Smithsonian Research Center and were full of trash. After the long paddle, members were able to collect 214 pounds of trash. Two grills were found as well as countless empty beer cans and pieces of Styrofoam. A massive floating dock seems to have crashed into Big Island and was surrounded with various forms of debris. Members Robert Rutkai, Danny Peterson, and Jack Sykes worked through the knee high mud to collect most of the wreckage, so no wildlife could be harmed by it. "The Peterson Brothers and Co.", consisting of Danny and Drew Peterson, David Foust, and Jack Sykes, brought home a third straight win bagging one hundred and fourteen pounds of trash. "The Mayo Men" (Dominic Gallina, Rob Rutkai, and Christian Parmele) brought home a respectable sixty one pounds to achieve second place. "The Crofton Cavaliers" (Uday Aryal, Alex Cooke, and Jack Drohat) achieved third place with thirty nine pounds. After eleven events four captains were announced based on their consistent attendance to events as well as terrific effort during each and every event. The CCFC captains announced were, Danny Peterson, Jack Sykes, Dominic Gallina, and Jack Drohat. A huge thank you to these four men and all CCFC Members!

CCFC #12 November 5, 2017
CCFC #12 had record numbers with eighteen members attending! With the combined effort 780 lbs of trash were taken out of the Chesapeake Bay. Members collected cans, bottles, multiple tires, as well as a Coca Cola Fridge! Groups 1 and 3 stayed to clean local Cadle Creek and Groups 2 and 4 traveled across the Rhode River to clean up the opposite shoreline. Group 1: South River Seahawks, manned by Dominic Gallina (Captain), Matthew Bates, Jack Klaus, and Josh Fontana won the event with an impressive 335lbs! Group 4: MD United + Cookie and Jack, manned by Drew and Danny Peterson (Captain), Jared Mundie, Alex Cooke, and Jack Drohat (Captain) brought home second place with a respectable 235 pounds. Group 2: SR Squad, Captained By Jack Sykes and Alexi Parmele led the two new members Ellie Pikulsky and Ben Meilinger to third place with an impressive 125 pounds. Group 3: SR Swordfish flopped to a fourth and last place with a still respectable 85 pounds. The SR Swordfish were manned by Robert Rutkai (Captain), Tim Kunert, Brady Zachar, Alex Calogero, and Uday Aryal. The Swordfish may regret spending so much time trying to lift an engine block out of the water that was too heavy. Thanks to all eighteen members who participated!!

October 29, 2017
While visiting family in Finksburg Maryland, Founder of CCFC Robert Rutkai, decided to haul a stove out of the creek. The informal CCFC Finksburg edition cleaned up eighty pounds total!

November 4, 2017
CCFC Captain Alexi Parmele displays what a CCFC captain should do, go the extra mile to help and always put forth 100% effort. Alexi displayed captain worthy behavior on the cold rainy night of November 4, 2017 right before CCFC #12. Alexi agreed to endure two 4 mile trips from his house to Sailors Dock Marina in the back of a pickup truck to ensure his kayaks got to Sailors Dock Marina successfully. Congratulations Alexi Parmele you deserve it!

November 9, 2017
CCFC founder Robert Rutkai was named "Keeper of Cadle Creek" by West Rhode River Keeper Jeff Holland. Big thanks to Jeff and all CCFC members for their diligent efforts toward improving the community and its watershed.

CCFC #13 November 25, 2017
CCFC #13 had members dawn their cold weather attire and face the cold water on an otherwise beautiful fall day. Seven members gathered to clean up 525 pounds of trash out of Cadle Creek. The Greek Gods/Goddess consisting of Rob Rutkai, Alexi Parmele, Ashley Davis, and Andrew Parks won the event with 317 pounds of trash consisting of two tires, a water heater, bottles, cans, and plastic waste. South River Squad, consisting of Tim Kunert, Christian Cato, and Jack Drohat brought in a respectable 208 pounds to achieve second place. CCFC #13 brought our total trash collected to over 5,000 pounds! Big thanks to all members willing to brave the cold to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay!

CCFC #14 March 30, 2018
CCFC #14 started CCFC Season 2 with a bang. 6 new members helped to clean 538lbs of trash out of Cadle Creek. H-Squad, including Zach Herman, Matt Bates, Christian Cato, Brian Vaungh, Tim Kunert, and Jack Klaus collected an impressive 227lbs. SR/SP Fockey, including McKenzie Jamison, Rachel, Madison, Rob Rutkai, Jack Drohat, and Scott Flynn had H-Squad beat with 311lbs. The familiar but unwelcome sight of tires was all too abundant during CCFC #14 with 6 being hauled in on the day. CCFC #14 was a great start to Season 2 and a big thanks to all members who participated!

CCFC #15 April 14, 2018
CCFC #15 was one to remember. Beautiful weather, refreshing water, and plenty of creek to clean, CCFC members enjoyed a nice Saturday afternoon on the water. 12 CCFC members including 4 new members managed to collect 503 lbs of trash from Cadle Creek including a car transmission. Group 1 (The Chesapeake Cavaliers), including Ellie P, Joey, Rob R, and Colin M collected an impressive 124 lbs of trash but were humbled by winners Jubilation Squad with 197 lbs and runners up Swole Squad with 180 lbs. Jubiliation Squad included Christian C, Dom G, Kevin L, and Connor M. Swole Squad included Jack K, Austin S, Jack D, and Bryce W. Big thanks to all participating members!

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