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CCFC #21 June 16, 2018
CCFC #21 had members travel to Stellman Creek on the Rhode River. On a busy Saturday, 4 kayaks and 8 members were towed by the CCFC barge from Cadle to Stellman Creek. Upon arrival members went to work searching for trash. As members traveled deeper into the undeveloped marsh they discovered less and less trash and so Team Coast Guard: Morgan Lee, Hannah Murray, Will Pavelick, and Jack Drohat, strategically turned around and began to search for trash at the mouth of the creek where most boat activity was. There they cleaned up a large tire as well as many other pieces of miscellaneous trash leading them to a convincing victory over Team Navy: Rob Rutkai, Matt Bates, Zach Herman, and Christian Cato (82 lbs to 26 lbs).

CCFC #22 June 24, 2018
CCFC #22 called for a road trip! In order to expand CCFC's reach to new creeks and rivers president Rob Rutkai loaded 4 kayaks and 2 paddle boards into the CCFC truck to make CCFC mobile! The kayaks were hauled to Homeport Farm Park which provided a beautiful launching point into Church Creek on the South River. Rob Rutkai was not the only member hauling kayaks captain Alexi Parmele tied one of his kayaks to his roof rack for use during the clean up. MVP of the day Austin Shoemaker hauled all 256 lbs of trash collected that day back to CCFC HQ where it was transferred to the CCFC truck where it will soon be taken to Southern Recycling Center. 12 members attended the cleanup and they were split into 3 groups of 4 members. Team Nigeria: McKenzie Jamison, Jake Petti, Rob Rutkai, and Kyle Fleshman. Team Senegal: Alexi Parmele, Matthew Bates, Lauren Mowry, and Maddie Daniels. Team Nigeria and Senegal tied on 128 lbs so every member brought home a CCFC t-shirt. Team Iceland came in a close 2nd with 100 lbs. CCFC 22 was a wonderful time and big thanks to Homeport Farm Park for allowing use of their facilities and all CCFC members for participating and especially Alexi, Austin, and Kyle for their extra help.

CCFC #23 July 22, 2018
CCFC #23 was full of twists and turns but ended up being a fantastic clean up. The plan was for 9 CCFC members to be towed to Big Island to clean. Shortly after leaving the launch point at CCFC HQ the engine on the CCFC barge stopped pumping water and it overheated. The engine trouble called for a change of plans. CCFC members instead cleaned the closer Cadle Creek and surrounding areas of the Rhode River. CCFC President Rob Rutkai paddled the barge home and returned to supervise the cleanup on the CCFC Skiff. Once out there the Orange Team consisting of Alex, Kyle, Ryan, and Matt collected 30 lbs of trash, and the Blue team consisting of Scott, Austin, Isaiah, and Jack took home the victory with 112 lbs of trash. The trash collected was mostly large pieces of foam as well as plastic bottles and CCFC members collected 142 lbs of trash in total.

CCFC #24 July 29, 2018
The tire trend continues for CCFC. The long standing record/tradition of CCFC cleaning up at least one tire at every CCFC cleanup to date continues with CCFC 24. In total CCFC members cleaned 480 lbs of trash from Big Island in the Rhode River including 3 large tires and a carpet. The Bato Boys consisting of Christian Cato, Robert Rutkai, Brian Vaungh, and Zach Herman brought home the win with 330 lbs including 3 large tires. The Shoe Brigade consisting of Austin and Jack Shoemaker, Will Pavelick, and Scott Flynn clinched 2nd place with 150 lbs of trash including a carpet. The day was light hearted and fun stimulating a productive and enjoyable cleanup.

CCFC #25 August 9, 2018
After the Conowingo Dam was forced to open in Maryland after weeks of rain, it sent down thousands of pounds of debris. This debris includes entire trees, grills, and even dangerous medical waste. This debris floated all the way down the Susquehanna River and into the Bay where it ended up drifting everywhere clogging up beaches and forcing them to close. However no challenge is too great for Clean Creeks Football Club and they got to work right away. Collaborating with the always fantastic and supportive West and Rhode Riverkeeper Jeff Holland as well as county executives, CCFC went to work cleaning the massive logs and other debris clogging up Beverly Beach. Two groups of CCFC members "Swole Squad" consisting of Rob Rutkai, Michael Grimm, Matt Bates, Josh Fontana, and Will Pavelick and "Hit the Quan" consisting of Alexi Parmele, Jack Drohat, Jack Klaus, and Isaiah Jensen split up along the beach to clean the beach as fast as possible. Because of the sheer amount and weight of the trash and debris the trash was not weighed at the end. It was estimated that CCFC members collected over 1,000 lbs of debris and disposed of in a county issued dumpster, and because the two groups worked so well together to clean the beach every member won a shirt. In that regard CCFC #25 was unlike any other event.
CCFC cleanup #25 brought CCFC’s total amount of trash collected to 10,000lbs in just 2 years! CCFC 25 was filmed by county executives and drones and CCFC was honored to take part in such a huge and important beach cleanup after a devastating pollution event in the Chesapeake Bay.

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